Saturday, September 15, 2007

J is for Juicy made that?!?!?

1. Yes people, the above is indeed Juicy Couture. Formally known for blinding velour tack suits, and logo tees that piss you off, Juicy is now stepping out and introducing us to a whole new look of sophistication. This dress is a perfect fall look. Airy, but can be toughened up with mascaline boots, and beat up jacket. Or maybe a long sleeve shirt with tights? Juicy is showing us some feminity, and I am loving it!

2. To prove even more that Juicy no longer is just its bubble-gum pop ways, here is a mascaline boot. Either in black or in a darker shade of brown, these boots can be rocked over skinnies, a bubble top, a shirt dress... you name it, and these babies will take a look from 6 to a perfect 10!

Juicy also reminded me: Don't be SO quick to judge whether or not a brand is utter crapoola! You may walk into abercrombie, and find something you love! Or if you aren't an American Apperal chick... just peek around and you will be so suprised that a store you thought you hated could be one you love!

1 comment:

Ana said...

very true. juicy still makes tacky velvour tracksuits and logo tees but some of their shoes are very socialite chic. i've seen parisian bubble jackets,pointed flats that tie up like a pointe shoe and many other things that disprove the rich and trashy stereotype of the juicy look.